About Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary

The Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Upper Gangetic plain falling in the Terai of Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Katarniya Ghat Forest provides strategic connectivity between tiger habitats of Dudhwa and Kishanpur in India and Nepal. The sanctuary has a mosaic of Sal and Teak forests, lush grasslands, numerous swamps and wetlands. It is home to a number of endangered species including gharial, tiger, rhino, Gangetic dolphin, Swamp deer, Hispid hare, Bengal florican, the White-backed and Long-billed vultures.

Katarniya Ghat Wild life Sanctuary is part of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Lakhimpur kheri. The total area of Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary is 400.09 sq.km. which is a part of the core area of Dudhwa Tiger reserve. There is a buffer area of 150.03 sq.km. contiguous to the sanctuary mostly in Motipur and Kakrha ranges of the division. The forest area of the Sanctuary has its characteristic complex of sal forests tall grasslands and riparion ecosystem of Girwa and Kaudiyala streams of Ghaghra river. The Sanctuary having mosaic of diverse habitats is very rich in biodiversity and is have various endangered species of mammal, plants and avifauna.

The whole of the area is subject to the climatic variations typical of the plains of Northern India with their extremes of heat and cold . The winter nights area very cold and foggy and heavy dews fall regularly , with the result that the vegetation remains damp for most of the day. The days at this time of the year are cool and bright . Forests occur generally in January. The nights remain cool and dew falls until late in the spring, the hot weather commencing in April and lasting and lasting until the rains break towards the end of June .Heavy monsoon rains fall from then onwards until October and give, with the winter rains, and average annual fall of about 1300 mm. The prevailing winds are from the east, but during the hot weather there are often strong west winds, and mild hurricanes from the north and west accompanied by showers.

Mammals - Panthera pardus (Guldar) , Panthera tigris ( Tiger), Felis viverrina (Fishing cat), Macaca mulatta (Monkey), Presbytis entellus (Langur), Heprpestes edwardsi (Mongoose), Herpestes auropunctatus ( small indian Mangoose), Viverricula indica ( small Indian civet), Canis aureus (Jackal), Mellivora capensis (Honey Badger), Lutra perspicillata ( smooth Indian Otter), Boselaphus tragocamelus ( Blue bull), Axis axis ( Spotted Dear), Axis porcinus (Hog Dear), Muntiacus muntjak ( Barking Dear), Cervus duvaceli (Swamp Dear), Cervus unicolor ( Sambar), Sus scrofa ( Wild Boar), Rhinoceros unicornis (Great Indian Rhino), Elephus maximus (Asian Elphant), Lepus nigricollis (Hare) .

Birds- Podiceps ruficollis (Dabchick), Pelicnus philipensis (spotbilled pelican), Phalacrocorax carbo ( Large Cormorant), Phalacrocorax niger (Lillte cormorant), Ardea cinera (Grey Heron), Ciconia ciconia (White Stocrk), Ciconia nigra ( Black strock), Threskiornis aethiopica (White Ibis), Gyps indicus ( Indian Longbilled Vulture), Pandion haliatus ( Osprey), Gallus gallus ( Red jungle Fowl), Grus antigone (Sarus Crane), Amaurornis phoenicurus ( whit Breasted water hen), Ninox scutulata ( Brown Hawk owl).

Reptiles – Magar, Ghariyal, Python, Sandboa, Banded crate , Rusel viper , Rat snake and all kinds of Fishes.

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Great Things to Explore

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Spotted Deer
Asian Elephant
Balsas Screech Owl
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Lesser Adjutant
Pallas Fish Eagle
Boat Safari

Hear From Our Happy Clients

A beautiful Wildlife Sanctuary. One of the best places for seeing the gharial in its natural habitat is the Girwa River. The river play an important part in the ecology of the sanctuary and are home to Crocodiles, water birds, Otters and a host of migratory birds during the winter months . If maintained well it can attract large crowd who love forest.

Rohit Kumar Gupta

कतर्नियाघाट का अनुभव बहुत ही अच्छा रहा यहां पर प्रकृति को और करीब से समझा जा सकता हैं। यहां पर जनवरी फरवरी के महीने में घूमना ज्यादा अच्छा है उस समय सफारी राइडिंग से सभी प्रकार के एनिमल को देखने का मौका मिल सकता है। उसके साथ ही बोटिंग का भी मजा ले सकते है। खाने के कैंटीन भी और रात में रुकने के लिए घर भी है जो साइट से आप रूम बुक कर सकते है।

Nitin shaleen

Very dence jungle and we spotted a lot of deers in Safari as well as road side too. Apart from deers, we saw crocodile, gharial, langoor, monkey and some beautiful birds in boat ride. If you are going to Katarniaghat then try to come on weekday because there was very rush on weekend. It will be good if you book safari and boat ride in advanced from online because sometimes it's unavailable offline due of rush. Overall awesome place for one night stay.

Vivek Kumar Srivastava

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