About Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary

Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary is located in Distt. Chitrakoot Divisional head quater at Mirzapur, the total geographical is 3369.47 sq. m. it is well connected by road & Rail, nearest railway satiation is Manikpur on Bombay Hawrah train rout. We can accesses by road from Delhi & Allahabad. Dictations from Allahabad is 120 km. & From Delhi 731 km. nearest Airport is Bamrouly. In the Sanctuary Area we can See Black Duck, Chinkara, Sambar, Cheetal, Bear, Leapord, woulf, WIld Dog & Blue Bull. In flora Bamboo, Palas, Khair, Mahua, Dhau, Salai, Tendu etc. or found there.

Climate - Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary spread over the Vindhyan Range. Summer-Temp varies from 270c to 480c . Winter- Temp varies from 60c to 260c. Rains are frequent during Monsoons.

Cultural Aspect - In Distt. Chitrakoot people celebrate so many functions like Dashahara & Diwali in month of October & November. April to June, it is very hot maximum temperature up to 480c , October to March - good weather Rains-Normal

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Great Things to Explore

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Spotted Deer
Asian Elephant
Balsas Screech Owl
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Lesser Adjutant
Pallas Fish Eagle
Boat Safari

Hear From Our Happy Clients

A beautiful Wildlife Sanctuary. One of the best places for seeing the gharial in its natural habitat is the Girwa River. The river play an important part in the ecology of the sanctuary and are home to Crocodiles, water birds, Otters and a host of migratory birds during the winter months . If maintained well it can attract large crowd who love forest.

Rohit Kumar Gupta

कतर्नियाघाट का अनुभव बहुत ही अच्छा रहा यहां पर प्रकृति को और करीब से समझा जा सकता हैं। यहां पर जनवरी फरवरी के महीने में घूमना ज्यादा अच्छा है उस समय सफारी राइडिंग से सभी प्रकार के एनिमल को देखने का मौका मिल सकता है। उसके साथ ही बोटिंग का भी मजा ले सकते है। खाने के कैंटीन भी और रात में रुकने के लिए घर भी है जो साइट से आप रूम बुक कर सकते है।

Nitin shaleen

Very dence jungle and we spotted a lot of deers in Safari as well as road side too. Apart from deers, we saw crocodile, gharial, langoor, monkey and some beautiful birds in boat ride. If you are going to Katarniaghat then try to come on weekday because there was very rush on weekend. It will be good if you book safari and boat ride in advanced from online because sometimes it's unavailable offline due of rush. Overall awesome place for one night stay.

Vivek Kumar Srivastava

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